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How to Increase School Advertising

Good funding is hard to find
Many schools find it difficult to get the funding they need for all of their programs. Whether it’s clubs, extracurriculars, or athletics, when there’s a lack of funding, it causes staff members to become frustrated. Athletic directors feel this pressure as they strive to build a good team with a winning record — and they often lack the budget to do so.

Create a space that advertisers can’t resist
Businesses want to advertise in spaces that get attention, so when your school’s athletic facilities are lacking, you may actually be losing advertising opportunities. When your gym is sparkling with state-of-the-art flooring and wall graphics, you’re able to attract those advertising dollars from businesses, and suddenly, you’re seeing better sponsorships and an increase in program funding. Here are some helpful tips for boosting your school advertising:

  1. Amp up your website. Just like businesses, it’s important for your school to have a good website. Yours should leave parents and sponsors with the best possible impression. Is your website fast? Is it responsive? Easy to navigate? A strong website reflects positively on your school, and is more likely to attract advertising.
  2. Build a Facebook community. There’s no better way to establish your school’s identity than by using social media. Not only is it highly likely that your target audience is already on Facebook, but you can use your Facebook page as another method to keep your parents and students informed about what’s happening at your school. Facebook comes with built-in advertising opportunities to reach very specific audiences, and that’s something you should definitely use to your advantage.
  3. Link up on LinkedIn. Don’t forget about your former students! While you may be focused on boosting your enrollment, you shouldn’t overlook a rich audience: graduates and alumni. If you can forge positive relationships with alumni, you’ll continue to build a sense of community. If your former students feel connected, there’s a better chance that they’ll think of your school for donations and sponsorships in the future.
  4. Keep up communication. Sending out weekly or monthly newsletters is a great low-cost option for promotion and communication. The more informed your audience is, the more connected they’ll feel to your school, and ultimately, those connections can turn into investments in your extracurricular programming.

These are just a handful of ideas for growing your school’s advertising. When your school is more attractive to potential sponsors, you’ll see more interest in other areas, too. Whether it’s in enrollments or athletics, the more connected your community is to your school, the more likely they are to invest in your programs. When you present sponsors with a beautiful facility to advertise in, you’ll see those advertising dollars go up! Consider investing in a sparkling new floor from The Ohio Floor Company and become a must-advertise-in location in your community!